
Notes2free - All-in-One Solution for University Notes, Books, Study Material, and Previous Year Question Papers.

Discover More About Notes2free.com

notes2free provides an extensive range of university materials for various department courses, including notes, textbooks, syllabus copies, and past exam papers. They offer BCOM, BCA, and BBA Notes and Books, VTU Engineering Notes (both CBCS and Non-CBCS), software projects from Softmindlink, as well as CGPA and SGPA calculators, resume templates, Image Converters from GetInfo4Free, and more.

Notes Uploaded
University Notes

notes2free.com provides a wide range of university notes, including VTU Engineering, BCA, BCOM, and BBA notes from various universities, all available for free to users.

Aptitude QA

Notes2free.com provides Aptitude Questions and answers for users to practice and prepare for their interviews at companies.


Users have access to various types of calculators such as CGPA, SGPA, and percentage calculators. They utilize these tools to calculate their grades.

Software Projects

Users receive various technology software projects, such as web development, Python, AI, and ML projects, which they can download and utilize.

Programming Books

Users can access a wide range of programming language books and PDF notes for both beginners and professional developers to enhance their programming skills and knowledge.

Educational Blogs

Users can access educational blogs for more information and updates on education-related topics, as well as stay informed about the latest trends.

Happy Clients About Us

What our Students and Users say About of notes4free.com

It's really helpful for students.. instead of simply wasting time by browsing Nd searching notes here Nd there it's really better to go through notes2free becoz everything wt v need is available here,it's really a grt thing plz guys gooo through this it's really helpful Nd it's like a study package where all things r available plzz guys utilize this one..Nd admin is also frndly they vl surly clarify all Ur doubts..Nd assist u..it's really a grt thing..

Manasa HS ghousia college of engineering

I was really in a dielama on which notes to refer especially for vtu exams..Then I got to know about this website (notes2free) the notes were very clear and easy to understand and I am hoping to score very well by referring to notes2free notes.

Ashwin krishna Rajarajeswari college of engineering

A very good initiative!!please do continue the same and let this reach out to more number of students all over

Bhuvana B C SABS

notes2free.com website is a very unique one Which I have seen so far . This platform is like all in one . I really liked a lot because it is user friendly

Pavithra Kumar RRCE

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