
VTU CGPA Calculator - Calculate Your CGPA Grade on notes2free CGPA Calculator on Notes2free

Calulate your CGPA your grade on VTU CGPA Calculator for all SEM 2024 on notes2free.com 2024

VTU CGPA Calculator - 2018 Scheme

VTU CGPA Calculator - Calculate your CGPA. Easily calculate your CGPA using VTU CGPA calculator. Stay informed of your overall progress. Easily calculate your overall grade View Average (CGPA) using the VTU CGPA Calculator Notes2 is free. Our user-friendly Calculator allows you to enter grades and credits for each semester Your CGPA. Stay informed Your overall academic performance and track your progress throughout your VTU journey Our practical tools.

Enter Semester wise SGPA

1st SEM Grade
2nd SEM Grade
3rd SEM Grade
4th SEM Grade
5th SEM Grade
6th SEM Grade
7th SEM Grade
8th SEM Grade
Result will appear here

VTU CGPA Calculator - Calculate Your Cumulative Grade Point Average

To determine your VTU CGPA, input the SGPA for each semester and select Calculate. The CGPA will be computed and shown. You have the option to input 2 or 3 SGPA values of your preference to calculate your CGPA.

The formula utilized for VTU-CGPA calculation is:

The formula utilized for VTU-CGPA calculation is as follows:

CGPA = (Σ (Ci x Si)) / Σ Ci Where:
  • Ci represents the total credits for the respective course
  • Si represents the SGPA obtained in the respective course

To calculate your VTU CGPA, simply input your SGPA values for each semester, select "Calculate", and the system will compute your CGPA based on the provided formula. You can enter 2 or 3 SGPA values depending on your preference to obtain your cumulative grade point average.

Remember, your CGPA is a reflection of your overall academic performance throughout your time at the university. It's a great way to track your progress and set academic goals for the future.

The credits for each Semester is as given below :

Sem1 Sem2 Sem3 Sem4 Sem5 Sem6 Sem7 Sem8
20 20 24 24 25 24 20 18